BIOS:Basic Input Output System. Padachip computer software installed to manage the basic operations such as screens, hard drives, memory, VGA, etc.. Part of the operating system that can identify the set of programs can use to boot the computer, before placing disketsistem. BIOS is contained in ROM (Read Only Memory) darisistem and generally stored in the microprocessor untukmenyalakan permanen.Program used computers. BIOS also regulates the flow of the operating system dataantara tambahanyang computers and devices connected to the computer.
Boot:Process computer.
Bootable CD:CDs that can be used to boot
Bus:Channel which consists of a set of paths sejenis.Sekumpulan transportasiinformasi cable which is a tool to all the equipment in the system. Informasitersebut can be data, commands or address.
Cache Memory:High-speed memory capable bekerjasamadengan CPU, acting as a buffer between the CPU's main danmemori slow.
Casing:Casing. Box where the engine computer (danpendukungnya motherboard, power supply, disk drives, hard drives, CD ROMdrive). Container or place to protect the motherboard, the control board, power supply and disk drives komponenkompenenlainnya. A computer case is actually taklebih of the framework of a computer. Adalahtempat this case the components that make up sebuahsistem computer is located, is also to put alatpendingin (cooling fan), and also to ground listrikyang contained in components adamelalui framework made of iron. Besardengan case where expansion is much more preferred, with the expansion of space that you dapatmenambahkan many other devices with mudah.Contoh devices that can be added inimisalnya DVD drive, CD writer, and others. Currently casedengan tower shape is usually preferred over desktop casedengan shape because it has a place lebihluas for expansion, and also can have a better kemampuanpendinginan. A case could be ATatau ATX, where the difference lies in posisimotherboard later, as well as the power supply yangdatang with the case. Case biasanyadatang computer together with the power supply, walaupunkadang sometimes recommended that you purchase a separate powersupply so it can get both barangtersebut quality equally tinggi.CD ROM Drive: CD ROM player tool. A drive for record ataumemainkan Compact Disk, which is often found adalahCD-ROM (CD Read Only Memory) MO (Magneto-Optical) and WORM (Write Once Read Many).CD ROM Drive: CD ROM player tool. A drive for record ataumemainkan Compact Disk, which is often encountered is the CD-ROM (CD Read Only Memory) MO (Magneto-Optical) danWORM (Write Once Read Many).
CGA:Color Graphics Adapter. One type of monitor, yaitustandar Ibm for quality low-resolution monitors, dalammode charts can only display 4 colors.
Clock:Clock / timer. Frequency generator circuit. Sumberutama of computer electronic pulses. Clock can use to equalize the operation of all elements of the computer.
CMOS:Compelementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor. RAMkecil size 64 bytes to store the settings BIOSsaat computer is turned off. CMOS merupakanperluasan of MOS technology that produces ICdengan needs of low battery power. CMOSdigunakan to save the program configuration, diagnostics and information on programs and waktupembuatan files that will not disappear even if komputerdimatikan.
Com:Abbreviations of Communications, or often called SerialPort, which is the component that connects the CPU denganprinter, modems and other devices.
CPU:Central Processing Unit. The main processing unit in istilahteknik called microprocessors, are in the pengertianumum computer is a machine that is the casing and its semuaisi therein.Sehinggamenghasilkan input output processing center. Included here are semuaregister, arithmetic circuits, comparator units, and so on.
CRT:Catoda Ray Tube technology is used to membuatsistem display / computer monitors use cathode tabungsinar.
Disk:A data storage medium. Referred dengandisk is a floppy disk or hard disk. While floppydisk is floppy. Thin-coated dish bahanmagnetik (iron oxide) capable of storing sejumlahdata or information. Reading and writing informasidipusatkan on track.
Boot Disk:Floppy disk that can be used for computer melakukanbooting
Disk Cleaner:fluids used for membersihkanhead on diskdrive
Disk Defragmenter:tool that is used to regulate strukturatau layout file so that it will mengurangifragmentasi a hard drive space.
DRAM:Dynamic RAM. PC memory that can be read and ditulisi.Untuk store data in memory, its contents need to be refreshed periodically. This type of memory is banyakdigunakan on the main memory can use to routine processes.
Drive:Door, the disk drive.
Driver:Software that makes the operating system bisaberkomunikasi with peripherals or other devices, misalnyamouse driver to control the mouse.
EGA:Enhanced Graphics Adapter. One standardresolusi monitor. EGA could display 16 warnadalam graph model, a notch above the monitor CGA.Monitor with EGA card capable of displaying 16 warnapada text form (80 x 25 characters or 40 x 25karakter), 16 colors in the form of low resolution and 4warna at high resolution and the graphic display 640 x 350titik. The development of this type include ATITechnologies Inc. EGA card with EGA WONDER named, can display 132 x 25 characters. Monitor type EGAmasih wearing the same monitor connector denganmonitor type CGA and monochrome. EVEREXmengeluarkan EPGA card (Enhanced Proffesional GraphicsAdapter), capable of displaying 649 x 480 dots (dot) with 256 colors, from basic color combinations 4096 (pallette). EPGA and called PEGA (ProffesionalEnhanced Graphics Adapter), or PGA (ProffesionalGraphics Adapter), displays a text screen 132 x 43karakter on multi-frequency or Ulta sync, danfleksibilitas can use as well as enhanced monitormonochrome monitor. Monitor inimempergunakan 9 pin connector consisting of two rows.
Floppy drive / diskdrive:is a component of a computer interface for the floppy drive or data storage media disketsebagai
GUI:GUI (Graphical User Interface) is a computer program with tampilanmenu modegrafis.
Hard disk:Large-capacity data storage media.
Head:Head, the tip of the recorder, part of the drive or disk yangberfungsi to read or write.
Host:Workstation (computer users)
Installation:Doing copy, placement and konfigurasifile-files that are required by the computer system.
IP Address:Internet Protocol address is a name that is connected in a network sebuahkomputer robin certain rules.
Computer Networking:The relationship between the computer one by komputerlainnya for sharing resources.
Linux Kernel:The core of Linux, a special codes yangdibuat for linux, with the task manajemenproses, memory, hardware drivers, file system drivers, and network management
Keyboard:Key board, keyboards.
Connectors:A peripheral used to menghubungkansatu node to another node through the cable.
LAN:Local Area Network
LAN Card:A computer peripheral that is used untukmenghubungkan one computer to another computer.
LPT:Line Printing Terminal or parallel port. Untukmenghubungkan PC with a printer port.
LSB:Least significan Bits. The smallest unit of binary information dalamsuatu. One bit is enough to menyatakanperbedaan between yes and no, top and bottom, on danoff, one and zero. The computer should display informasidalam bit because of electronic circuits made hanyamemiliki two states, either on or off. In suatuinformasi computers arranged in 8 bit or 1 byte.
MPU:Micro Processor Unit. Same with the CPU
Motherboard:Computer circuit board where all the computers komponenelektronik strung.
Text mode:Display menu denganmode writing a computer program or a text, usually with a keyboard button perintahdieksekusi
Open Source:Yangpendistribusiannya computer software development projects are free and original program so that menyertakankode dapatdikembangkan others.
Paterrn:Group data in a single unit in RAM memory, typically 1 byte = 8 bits.
PCI:Peripheral Component Interconnect. Yangumum peripheral bus used on PCs, Macintosh and workstation.Pertama times designed by Intel and emerging on the market padaakhir 1993. PCI provides a data transfer path cepatantara CPU with other components diPC peripherals such as video, disk, network and others.
Peripheral:Equipment. Specifications yangdibutuhkan support equipment by a PC in order to work secaraoptimal.
PIC:Programmable interrupt controller. Full selaterprogram. Chip that serves to interrupt mengendalikanproses between peripherals.Selaperiferal control device that helps the CPU in prosespenyelaan.
POST:Power on Self-Test is a test conducted by PC untukmengecek functions untukbekerja PC components with good support.
Power Supply:An electronic circuit that functions sebagaipencatu power / donor source voltage / current padaperalatan.
RAM:Random Access Memory, memory which can be read danditulis.Information will be lost if the computer dies.
Reset:Free memory or logic mengenolkan keluaran.Memulai from scratch.
Scandisk:is a tool that is used for system files memeriksastruktur
Server:Servers are computers that are central danmenyediakan facilities for other computers
Sharing:use of shared resources (peripherals dandata) contained in the computers in the network.
Operating System:Operating system is a system of computer users denganperangkat yangmenghubungkan between computer hardware.
Software:Software, a computer program application
Source Code:The source code that can be developed olehPengguna
Layout:the picture arrangement elektonikadalam components form the face image size tepatsama.
Network topology:How to connect between computers
Troubleshooting:Solving problems that often occur
User friendly:Very easy for users
USB:Universal Serial Bus. Socket contained in all new PCmodel to connect USB devices. USBmendukung easy installation with Plug andPlay system, and gradually replace the old serial port danpararel. USB devices include scanners, printers modemdan.
UTP:UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) is sepasangkabel ridden one another by electrical interference tujuanmengurangi contained from two, four or more pairs of (generally the dipakaidalam network is 4 pairs / 8 wire) wiring denganmetode
VRAM:Video Random Access Memory (Video RAM) Type spesialdari DRAM which allows direct access to high speedmemory via video circuitry. This type of memory is more mahalbila than conventional DRAM chips.
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